On departure
Check in counters open at least 2 hours before departure time. Some airlines will let you check in earlier.
Your baggage must be packed by you according to security regulations and must never be left unattended until you check in.
Because security is a priority, all passengers and crew must pass the security check. These procedures are mandatory, even if your flight is about to take off.
To fasten the control,
1) Prepare your boarding pass for inspection
2) Remove all Lags, electronic and metallic items in a separate tray.
3) Take off your outer wear (jacket, coat, shoes) and place them in a separate tray.
Security Awareness
If you see baggage or items left unattended, please report immediately.
Security hotline : +855 (0)61 644 041
If you see baggage or items left unattended, please report immediately.
Security hotline : +855 (0)61 644 041